Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and an antioxidant that protects cells from pollution, toxins, and free radical damage. Vitamin E supports cardiovascular health by blocking the formation of compounds that are associated with free-radical damage. In one large epidemiological study a low level of vitamin E was found to be a greater risk for heart attack and stroke than cholesterol. Low vitamin E levels were predictive in 70% of cases for heart attack whereas high cholesterol and high blood pressure accounted for 29% and 25% of the study cases, respectively.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to support brain function and reduce levels of serum triglycerides, having a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health. Certified Organic Flaxseed Oil from Webber Naturals is a rich plant source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, cold pressed to protect the oils from heat, and in softgel form for convenience.
B50 Complex from Webber Naturals provides 50 mg of B vitamins in easy-to-swallow capsules. B vitamins play a key role in balancing the body's metabolism.They are necessary for a healthy nervous system, skin, eyes, liver and mucous membranes, and they act as catalysts or coenzymes in many of the body's functions that are essential for life.
EchinaMax® Echinacea Tincture is alcohol-free and naturally flavoured and sweetened to appeal to children and adults alike. Echinacea’s most common use is to prevent colds and sore throats, or speed-up recovery from these infections. This formula is great for those who don't like swallowing capsules but want the herbal protection echinacea provides.
Sesame Street Super Boost Vitamin C Gummies are part of a new line of supplements made especially for children to encourage healthy habits. Each delicious fruit-flavoured gelatin-free gummy contains 125 mg of vitamin C to help in the development of bones, cartilage, teeth, and gums, and to support immune function.